SA 8000:2014

SA8000 Standard

The SA8000® Standard is the leading social certification standard for factories and organizations across the globe. It was established by Social Accountability International in 1997 as a multi-stakeholder initiative. Over the years, the Standard has evolved into an overall framework that helps certified organizations demonstrate their dedication to the fair treatment of workers across industries and in any country.

SA8000:2014 Certification

SA 8000 is an international certification standard that encourages organization to develop, maintain and apply socially acceptable practices in the workplace. It was created in 1989 by Social Accountability International (SAI), an affiliate of the Council on Economic Priorities, and is viewed as the most globally accepted independent workplace standard.
Along with setting standards for employees worldwide, SA 8000 also embraces existing international agreements, including conventions from the International Labor Organization, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

SA8000:2014 For Whom

It can be applied to any company, of any size, anywhere in the world. The areas it addresses include forced and child labor, health and safety, freedom of association and collective bargaining, discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours, compensation and management systems.

Benefits of SA8000:2014 Certification

  • Marketing advantage -more demand and value for goods from socially
  • Responsible manufacturers and suppliers
  • Enhancement of company’s productivity. Compliance to the laws of the land
  • Improvement of relationship with the Govt., NGOs, trade unions
  • Better image and position in labor markets
  • Cost reduction in monitoring
  • Better corporate image
  • Increased value for the products
  • Trust building with the analysts and investors when evaluated against social performance